COD Membership

COD Membership and Selection

There are 18 members of the COD.  COD members are chosen in a particular way, as specified by the COD Rules and the Rules and Regulations of the Faculty.  The membership representation and selection criteria is described briefly below.  The 2024-2025 COD Roster is also available for review.

Member Type Duration of Term Selection
Chair Annual Appointed by Chair of the Faculty
Faculty Members (6, including chair) Three years, eligible for renewal Initially contacted and nominated by the faculty Committee on Nominations.  Then the slate of nominees are voted on by the Institute's faculty.
Students (3)
One year, eligible for renewal Apply via the Undergraduate Association's Nominations Board and interview with the Chair of COD before being appointed.
Graduate Students (3) One year, eligible for renewal Nominated by Graduate Student Council following an application process which is coodinated by the GSC Vice President. Then interview with the Chair of COD before being appointed.
Dean/Vice Chancellor's Representatives (6) Three years, eligible for renewal Designees are appointed by the Vice President/Dean for Student Life and the Vice Chancellor for Undergraduate and Graduate Education to serve on COD in their stead. 



COD currently has one subcommittee, the committee on sexual misconduct.  Members of this subcommittee receive extensive additional training related to sexual misconduct, intimate partner violence, and stalking.  This subcommittee is responsible for resolving all complaints alleging that the sexual misconduct, intimate partner violence, and stalking policies have been violated.  There are no student members of this subcommittee.  Student members of COD are not involved in resolving complaints of sexual misconduct.  Members of this subcommittee for 2024-25 academic year are:

  • Prof. Tamar Schapiro, Chair
  • Nina DeAgrela
  • Beth Marois
  • Tasha Coppett
  • Genevre Filiault
  • W. Craig Carter


The cases COD members deal with are complex and require nuanced understanding of MIT policies, COD's procedures, and other important content areas.  All COD members are therefore required to participate in appropriate training before doing the work of COD or engaging in any hearings, sanctioning panels, or other resolution of cases.  An annual orientation is provided, as are monthly briefings.

COD is a time committment of 2 to 5 hours per month (on average) in addition to the annual training in early fall and COD retreat over IAP.

COD members are expected to adhear to certain principles of ethical conduct in their work for the COD.  These expectations include maintaining the privacy of the complainants, respondents, witnesses, and other parties involved in any case before the COD; impartiality; adherance to MIT's policies and values; and other criteria.

Interest in Joining COD

If you are interested in joining the COD, have questions about the responsibilities and time committments, or would like additional information, please contact the Office of Student Conduct and Community Standards.