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COD Rules

I. Purpose and Authority of the Committee on Discipline

The Institute’s mission encourages students to explore in order to advance knowledge at the highest level. It also expects its students to uphold the highest standards of respect, integrity, and civility. With this context, the Committee on Discipline (COD) was created to resolve complaints of alleged violations of policies and/or community standards by a student, former student, student organization, or residence hall in a way that is objective and educational, and is not intended to be legalistic or adversarial. The Rules and Regulations of the Faculty provide for the creation of a Committee on Discipline.

The COD acts with power to hear cases and to decide the appropriate Institute response, including, but not limited to, suspension and expulsion of a student from the Institute, revocation of a degree, revocation of recognition of a student group, and loss of approval for a student organization residence. In addition, in appropriate cases as described in Section VII, the COD may also make non-binding recommendations to MIT Senior Leadership in response to complaints against a residence hall, or a floor or unit within a residence hall, about group conduct that has an ongoing and/or significant impact on the residence hall or the broader MIT community.

Notwithstanding these rules, the Institute reserves the right to take any action, including interim and administrative actions as described in Section III, that it deems necessary or appropriate to protect the intellectual integrity, health, safety, wellbeing, or educational or working experience of the campus community. To that end, MIT students and student organizations are expected to abide by the rules, regulations, guidelines, and policies of the Institute, as well as city, state, and federal laws.

MIT’s expectations and policies for students and student organizations are outlined in the Mind and Hand Book and in the Handbook on Academic Integrity. In addition, students are required to comply with MIT Policies and Procedures, Housing and Dining Policies, and their Housing Agreements. This may not exhaust the policies under the COD’s authority, so students and student organizations are encouraged to contact OSCCS with questions.

Index | Forward to II: Jurisdiction of the COD >