II. Jurisdiction of the COD

A. The COD shall consider any complaint brought to its attention by anyone against an MIT student or former student for conduct that occurred while the individual was a student at MIT, or against a student on leave, who seeks to return from leave, for conduct that occurred while the individual was on leave.

B. The COD shall consider any complaint brought to its attention by anyone against a student organization or former student organization for conduct that occurred while the student organization held recognized status at MIT.

C. The COD shall consider any complaint brought to its attention by anyone against an entire residence hall or individual floors or units in residence halls. In general, residence hall cases are processed in the same manner as student organization cases where the conduct at issue reflects the activity of an identifiable group of residents and the Chair of the COD determines that any potential sanctions, if responsibility is found, should be imposed collectively on the group (in addition to any sanctions that may be separately imposed on individual students). In such cases, the COD may also make non-binding recommendations to MIT Senior Leadership as described in Section VII.

D. The COD Chair or their delegate is permitted to approve the resolution of a complaint through informal or alternative methods of dispute resolution through the OSCCS or IDHR, if appropriate and agreed to by the complainant.

E. In all cases, the COD Chair, OSCCS or, where appropriate given the nature of the case, IDHR will review each complaint on a case-by-case basis to determine if the complaint is appropriate for an Institute process (unless otherwise delegated to an adjudicating body), including determining whether a formal complaint, if taken as true, alleges discrimination or discriminatory harassment.

F.  Off-campus misconduct may be a basis for MIT disciplinary action if the Institute considers that such alleged misconduct may have violated Institute policy and expectations of civility, integrity, and respect. The Chair of the COD will determine, on a case-by-case basis, if it is appropriate to address a complaint of this kind.

G. Other case resolution bodies may be empowered by the COD to resolve specific cases. These resolution bodies receive their authority from the Chair and should regularly review their functioning and cases with the COD. Unless otherwise specified, these resolution bodies will operate under the COD rules.

H. The Institute expects students to engage appropriately with the discipline process and considers sanctions assigned by the COD to be required components of the student’s education. The COD and the OSCCS have the authority to out in place registration, transcript, and graduation holds in order to require students to attend meetings related to the COD process, enforce sanctions, respond to past due sanctions, and otherwise affect the COD’s purpose. In addition, the COD Chair, after consultation with the Chancellor, may elect to place a graduation hold on the respondent if subject to a pending COD complaint. The Chair and Chancellor will evaluate the totality of the circumstances when making this determination.  


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